Find the event you would like to help with and click on the button below. It will take you directly to the signup area. Not sure what an event is? Scroll below for a short description of the event and what volunteering entails.
Bakers – We need people to bake or get different goodies for many of the events we put on.
Saturday Live is a district wide carnival that is held in Pioneer Park the last Saturday of September. We need volunteers to hand out candy at our booth, help setup the booth, and help take it down at the end of the day.
Fall & Spring Pictures – Individual and / or class pictures are taken on these days. We need people to let classes know that it is their turn, and also to help the photographer.
The Pumpkin Patch Party is a carnival hosted at Bitterroot School by the PTA. We need volunteers to run our different games.
Teacher’s Conference Dinner – This is a pot-luck dinner for the teachers. People to make food, set-up and clean-up afterwards are needed.
Vision Screening – Just like picture day we need help letting classes know it is their turn, and also to help the nurses with the test.
Holiday Family Night is a family event with a Christmas Theme. There will be different family friendly stations where you can hear a story, visit with Santa, do a craft, decorate some cookies, have some cocoa and just have some fun. We need volunteers to help man these stations.
Science Night is a chance for kids to explore Math & Science in a fun family friendly atmosphere. We need volunteers to help man stations. Instructions for station are given so you don't need to be a Math or Science genius to help!
Classroom Carnival - This is our other carnival type party, but the proceeds go to the Teachers. People are needed to help sell tickets.